Virtual Megaminx by Jiuzhao Hua

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Got a scrambled megaminx and desperately want to solve it? Well relax. Just paint the virtual Megaminx such that it has the same color configuration as your megaminx, then select "Solve" under "Tools", the Virtual Megaminx will show you how to unscramble your megmainx step by step in about 270 moves.

To view the applet, your browser must support JRE1.4 (Java Runtime Environment) or higher. You can download J2SE JRE from Sun. After the download, you need to install JRE on your system by following the installation instruction. The applet is best viewed at resolution 1280 x 1024.

How to play Virtual Megaminx

A move or twist can be triggered by a mouse click or a mouse drag. The megaminx can be viewed from different angles by rotating the whole megaminx. To rotate the whole megaminx, just drag on any center cube or drag the mouse on the background area (the area that is not covered by the megaminx).

Some useful buttons under Configure:

Some useful buttons under Tools:

To execute a sequence, first type in your sequence in the text field below the cube panel, then press the "Enter" key. The sequence entered must conform the convention stated below.

Name Convention

A single turn means a face / layer being rotated by 72 degree around its center. Each face has been given a label (N, S, A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, where N means north and S menas south). Face labels are fixed, however face colors can be changed through painting. A move or twist can be represented using face characters and turn symbols (', 1, 2, -1, -2) according to the following rules:

How to paint Virtual Megaminx

Select 'Paint' under 'Tools' to enter painting model. It is a good practice to start painting on a solved megaminx. The first thing you need to do is to adjust center colors. Right click a color button below the tree panel to open the color chooser. Select a color that matches the corresponding center color on your megaminx. Once you are happy with all center colors, then you can start to paint edges and corners. Left click a color button to select the color as the active painting color, a small pentagon filled with that color will be drawn on the bottom left corner of the megaminx panel. Click a face on any edge cube or corner cube to paint that face with the active color. Note that you cannot paint a center face using this method. The center color can only be changed by right clicking the corresponding color button. Once you finish painting all cubes, you can select 'Solve' under 'Tools' to ask the simulator to solve it. If the color configuration is invalid, it will return to painting model immediately. Double check each face, and make sure all colors match the corresponding colors on your megaminx. To exit the painting model at any time, select "Play", "Scramble", "Restore" or "Solve" under "Tools".

Jeff's solution to Megaminx

This is the simplest method as far as I know. It solves the megaminx in 270 moves on average. The Megaminx is solved according to the following order:
  1. Fix south pole edges
  2. Fix four south pole corners, leaving the fifth as a key hole
  3. Fix four southern equatorial edges using the key hole
  4. Fix the last south pole corner
  5. Fix the last southern equatorial edge
  6. Fix southern equatorial corners
  7. Fix middle equatorial edges
  8. Fix four pairs of northern equatorial corners and edges, leaving the fifth pair as key holes
  9. Fix north pole edges and the last northern equatorial edge
  10. Place north pole corners and the last northern equatorial corner (ignore orientations at the moment)
  11. Fix orientations of north pole corners and the last northern equatorial corner
Dan's Cube Station
Chris Hardwick's Rubik's Cube Page
Jaap's Puzzle page
Jessica Fridrich's speed cubing page
David Byrden's Twisty Puzzles
Michael Reid's Rubik's cube page
Rubik's Official Online Site


Virtual Megaminx is developed by Jiuzhao Hua. To request an update, send an email to, you must include your full name and your ebay login name which are the sole proof that you owned a valid licence.

Last updated on 15 March 2006.